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Find That Lost Retirement Account

Find That Lost Retirement Account

你是否在前雇主那里有一个遗失已久的退休账户? Maybe it’s been so long that you can’t even remember. 超过2400万个“被遗忘”的401(k)账户持有大约1美元.35 trillion in assets, 即使是最有条理的专业人士也可能会惊讶地发现他们有无人认领的“发现”钱.1

What Are “Forgotten” Retirement Accounts?

考虑到婴儿潮一代一生中平均做过12份工作, 退休账户很容易在混乱中丢失.2 Think back to your first job. 你还记得你的工作资助退休计划发生了什么吗? 如果你有一点不确定,那么是时候去寻找你可能被遗忘的资金了.

Starting Your Search

找到丢失的退休账户的最好方法之一是联系你的前雇主. 如果你不确定该打给哪里,试试人力资源部或会计部门. 他们应该能够检查他们的计划记录,看看你是否参加过. However, you will most likely be asked to provide your full name, Social Security number, and the dates you worked, so be sure to come prepared.

如果你的前雇主不在了,找一份旧的账户对账单. 通常,这些将包含计划管理员的联系信息. If you don’t have an old statement, 考虑联系一下以前的同事,他们可能有你需要的信息.


Websites to Check

Next, it’s time to take your search online. 确保手头有尽可能多的信息,并尝试以下资源.

National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits

这个数据库使用雇主和劳工部的数据来确定你是否有任何未支付或丢失的退休账户资金. Like most of these online tools, you’ll need to provide your Social Security number, but no additional information is required.3


If your forgotten account was worth more than $1,000 but less than $5,000, 它可能已经滚进了一个默认的传统个人退休账户(IRA)。. 当雇主找不到前雇员或联系时没有回应时,雇主会创建默认的个人退休账户. 您可以使用该数据库免费搜索退休帐户和IRA帐户, but registration is required.4

Once you reach age 73, 在大多数情况下,您必须开始从传统IRA中获得所需的最低分配. 传统个人退休账户的提款按普通收入征税, if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10 percent federal income tax penalty.

The U.S. Department of Labor

Finally, 劳工部负责跟踪已经被放弃或正在被终止的计划. 尝试搜索其数据库,以找到负责指导关闭计划的合格终止管理员(QTA).5

What’s Next?

Once you’ve found your retirement account, 你用它做什么取决于计划的类型和举行地点. Your location also matters. 根据你住的地方,规定和条例可能会有所不同.

No matter what you decide to do, 一定要让你的税务和金融专业人士参与进来,因为他们会了解你所在州的现行法规. 他们还可以帮助你为新赚的钱找到一个策略:旅行, investment, or maybe that vacation home you’ve always wanted. 毕竟,你辛苦工作赚了那么多钱,所以你应该好好享受!

1., August 27, 2021
2., October 22, 2021
3., 2022
4., 2022
5., 2022

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