退休 阅读时间:4分钟


One of the common threads of a mobile workforce is that many individuals who leave their job are faced with a decision about what to do with their 401(k) account.¹

Individuals have four choices with the 401(k) account they accrued at a previous employer.2


You may choose to do nothing and leave your account in your previous employer’s 401(k) plan. 然而, 如果您的账户余额低于一定数额, 请注意,你的前雇主可能会选择将这笔资金分配给你.

There may be reasons to keep your 401(k) with your previous employer —such as investments that are low cost or have limited availability outside of the plan. Other reasons are to maintain certain creditor protections that are unique to qualified retirement plans, 或者保留向银行借款的能力, 如果该计划允许前雇员获得此类贷款.3

The primary downside is that individuals can become disconnected from the old account and pay less attention to the ongoing management of its investments.


Provided your current employer’s 401(k) accepts the transfer of assets from a pre-existing 401(k), 你可能需要考虑将这些资产转移到你的新计划中.

The primary benefits to transferring are the convenience of consolidating your assets, 保持强大的债权人保护, 并通过该计划的贷款功能保持它们的可用性.

如果新计划有一个有竞争力的AG捕鱼王新版app下载菜单, many individuals prefer to transfer their account and make a full break with their former employer.

Choice 3: Roll Over Assets to a Traditional Individual 退休 Account (IRA)

Another choice is to roll assets over into a new or existing traditional IRA. It’s possible that a traditional IRA may provide some investment choices that may not exist in your new 401(k) plan.4

The drawback to this approach may be less creditor protection and the loss of access to these funds via a 401(k) loan feature.

记住,不要急于做决定. You have time to consider your choices and may want to seek professional guidance to answer any questions you may have.


最后一个选择是直接从账户中套现. 然而, 如果你选择套现, you may be required to pay ordinary income tax on the balance plus a 10% early withdrawal penalty if you are under age 59½. In addition, employers may hold onto 20% of your account balance to prepay the taxes you’ll owe.

在决定兑现退休计划之前要仔细考虑. 除了提前提款罚款的成本, there’s an additional opportunity cost in taking money out of an account that could potentially grow on a tax-deferred basis. 例如, 以10美元,000 out of a 401(k) instead of rolling over into an account earning an average of 8% in tax-deferred earnings could leave you $100,30年后少了000.5

1. 在大多数情况下, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from your 401(k) or other defined contribution plan in the year you turn 73. Withdrawals from your 401(k) or other defined contribution plans are taxed as ordinary income, 如果在59岁半之前服用, 可能要缴纳10%的联邦所得税罚款.
2. 美国金融业监管局.org, 2022
3. 未支付的401(k)贷款被视为分配, subject to income taxes and a 10% tax penalty if the account owner is under 59½. 如果账户所有者换工作或被解雇, any outstanding 401(k) loan balance becomes due by the time the person files his or her federal tax return.
4. 在大多数情况下, 一旦你到了73岁, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from a Traditional Individual 退休 Account (IRA). 传统个人退休账户的提款按普通收入征税, 如果在59岁半之前服用, 可能要缴纳10%的联邦所得税罚款. You may continue to contribute to a Traditional IRA past age 70½ as long as you meet the earned-income requirement.
5. 这是一个仅用于说明目的的假设示例. It is not representative of any specific investment or combination of investments.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 获取有关您个人情况的具体信息. This material was developed and produced by FMG套件,提供信息的一个主题,可能是感兴趣的. 消费品套件不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的AG捕鱼王新版app下载咨询公司. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, 并且不应该被认为是对购买或 出售任何证券. 版权 消费品套件.





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