Investment Read Time: 4 min

How the Federal Reserve Works

Have you ever taken a close look at paper money? Each U.S. 这张钞票的顶部印着“联邦储备券”的字样.

但许多人可能不知道为什么这张钞票是由美联储发行的,也不知道美联储在经济中扮演着什么角色. Here's an inside look.

美联储,通常被称为“美联储”,是国家的中央银行. 国会于1913年建立了它,为国家提供一个更安全的, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. Prior to its creation, the U.S. 经济受到频繁发作的恐慌、银行倒闭和信贷有限的困扰.1

The Fed has four main roles in the U.S. economy.

Economy Watch

In addition to its other duties, 美联储在经济方面被赋予了三项使命:维持最大就业, maintaining stable price levels, and maintaining moderate, long-term interest rates.1

重要的是要记住,美联储不能直接控制就业, inflation, or long-term interest rates. Rather, 它使用一些可用的工具来影响货币和信贷的可得性和成本. This, in turn, 影响消费者和企业在商品和服务上花钱的意愿.

For example, if the Fed maneuvers short-term interest rates lower, borrowing money becomes less expensive, and people may be motivated to spend. Consumer spending may stimulate economic growth, 这可能会导致公司生产更多的产品,并潜在地增加就业. When short-term rates are low, 美联储密切关注经济活动,观察物价上涨的迹象.

On the other hand, if the Fed pushes short-term rates higher, borrowing money becomes more expensive, and people may be less motivated to spend. 反过来,这可能会减缓经济增长,并导致公司减少就业. 当短期利率处于高位时,美联储必须留意整体物价水平下降的迹象.

Supervise and Regulate

美联储制定并执行银行的监管规定, savings and loans, and credit unions must follow. 它与其他联邦和州机构合作,确保这些金融机构的财务健全,确保消费者得到公平和公平的待遇. When an organization is found to have problems, 美联储利用其权力让该机构纠正问题.

Financial System

美联储通过提供支付服务来维持金融体系的稳定. In times of financial strain, 美联储被授权作为最后贷款人介入, 向个别银行或整个银行系统提供流动资金. 例如,美联储可能会介入,提出购买某家银行持有的政府债券. 通过这样做,美联储为银行提供了可以用于自己目的的资金.

Banker for Banks, U.S. Government

美联储向银行和其他存款机构以及美国金融机构提供金融服务.S. government directly. For banks, savings and loans, and credit unions, 它维护账户并提供各种支付服务, including collecting checks, electronically transferring funds, distributing new money, and receiving and destroying old, worn-out money. For the federal government, the Fed pays Treasury checks, processes electronic payments, and issues, transfers, and redeems U.S. government securities.

每天,美联储都在幕后支持经济,为美国提供服务.S. financial system. And while the Fed's duties are many and varied, 其重点是维持对银行机构的信心.

A Decentralized Central Bank

联邦储备系统由12家独立银行组成,在联邦政府任命的华盛顿理事会的监督下运作, D.C. 如图所示,这些银行都在一个特定的区域内工作.

A De-Centralized Central Bank

Source:, 2023

1., 2023

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