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In 2023, 音乐产业见证了一个突破性的转变, 像ABBA这样的标志性乐队, 吻, 披头士拥抱了数字前沿. 这些传奇的表演展示了新的数字创作内容, with ABBA and 吻 debuting live shows featuring their digital avatars. While this development opens up exciting possibilities for entertainment, it also raises questions about intellectual property (IP) ownership and its implications for ordinary people and their estates.

The Beatles’ so-called “final release” was a single called “Now and Then” based on a demo cassette created by John Lennon, 谁在1980年惨遭杀害. 而我们大多数人不会有一首死后的热门单曲, it’s not rare for deceased authors to have their unpublished—or even unfinished—novels see success in print and film. Famous examples include The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and Dragon Bones by Michael Crichton. 退役运动员又开始玩游戏了(至少在电子游戏中), and aging or passed actors have appeared as their younger selves in films. Another scenario might be for those who hold a patent that didn’t go into mass production during their lifetime, 只是为了后来变得难以置信的有利可图. Here’s the big takeaway: Your IP might be more valuable than you realize, 所以可以考虑咨询能提供指导的法律专业人士.

随着数字化身的出现, 对音乐家来说,退休的概念有了新的含义. 吻, known for their theatrical performances and larger-than-life personas, surprised the world with their transformation into a digital-only band. 在他们最后的现场表演之后, 吻 unveiled their digital avatars designed to continue performing concerts indefinitely. 利用动作捕捉技术, 摇滚偶像们创造了一个“超级英雄版”的乐队, 准备好为永恒摇摆. “新吻时代”承诺音乐会永远不会结束, with the digital avatars capable of performing simultaneously in multiple cities, ensuring that the band’s brand as entertainment endures long after its original members have departed.1

ABBA, another legendary band, has embraced the digital revolution with avatars. Collaborating with the same creative minds behind 吻’ digital transformation, ABBA的化身们用他们的现场表演迷住了观众. 随着数字内容的普及, it is conceivable that ABBA’s and 吻’ avatars may eventually compete for concert space, 进一步模糊了现实和虚拟表演之间的界限. Artists once relied on their physical presence and performances to generate revenue. The advent of digital clones now introduces the possibility of perpetual income streams from virtual performances. Artists and creators may need to adapt their strategies to embrace this new reality, 探索发牌途径, 销售, 以及虚拟体验.

The concept of an artist’s estate may undergo significant changes in the digital era. With the potential for avatars to continue generating revenue long after an artist’s passing, 仔细的遗产准备变得至关重要. Artists and creators must consider how their IP and the resulting royalties are scheduled to be managed and protected, helping to structure their legacy so that the financial benefits it generates remain preserved for future generations. There are limitations; your legal strategy should have contingencies for unintentional patent or copyright infringement, 无论是在你的一生中还是以后.

How might you consider the future of your creative work, patents, likeness, and other IP? Could these be important factors in your retirement strategy and beyond? 虽然这些进步带来了令人兴奋的机会, 它们还需要仔细考虑所有权, 管理, 房地产策略. You must also consider potential risks, including infringement on the IP of others. 随着数字革命这一篇章的展开, individuals and industries must navigate this new landscape to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for creators and audiences alike.

1. Apnews.2023年12月2日

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