Estate Read Time: 4 min

Estate Management Checklist

Do you have a will?

遗嘱使你能够指定你想让谁继承你的财产和其他资产. A还将使您能够为您的未成年子女指定监护人.

Do you have healthcare documents in place?

如果你无法为自己做出医疗决定,医疗保健文件会详细说明你对医疗保健的愿望. 他们还授权一个人在必要时代表你做决定. These documents may include a living will, a power of attorney agreement, 还有一份持久的医疗授权协议.

Do you have financial documents in place?

某些财务文件可以勾勒出你的财务愿望. If you become unable to make decisions for yourself, 这些财务文件的结构可以授权一个人代表你做决定. 这些文件可能包括共同所有权、持久授权书和生前信托.


Have you filed beneficiary forms?

In some cases, 指定一个银行账户和退休计划的受益人,使这些账户“死后支付”给你的受益人. 在其他情况下,您将需要填写“死亡支付”表格.

Do you have the right amount and type of life insurance?

你上次评估你的人寿AG捕鱼王在线app下载是什么时候? 你比较过人寿AG捕鱼王在线app下载的利益和你的经济责任吗? 请记住,有几个因素会影响人寿AG捕鱼王在线app下载的成本和可用性, including age, health, and the type and amount of insurance purchased. 人寿AG捕鱼王在线app下载单有费用,包括死亡和其他费用. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, 投保人还可能支付退保费并涉及所得税. 在实施涉及人寿AG捕鱼王在线app下载的策略之前,你应该考虑确定你是否可以投保. 任何与保单相关的保证都取决于开证AG捕鱼王在线app下载公司继续支付索赔的能力.

Have you taken steps to manage your federal estate tax?

If you and your spouse have more than $27.22 million in assets (for 2024), 你可能需要考虑采取措施来管理联邦遗产税, which will be due at the second spouse’s death.1

Have you taken steps to protect your business?

Do you have a succession plan? 如果你和别人有生意,你也可以考虑买断协议.

Have you created a letter of instruction?

指示函是一种概述你的愿望的非法律文件. A strong, well-written letter may save your heirs time, effort, and expense as they administer your estate.


您的继承人可能需要访问您为管理遗产而创建的特定文件. These documents may include:

  • Your will
  • Trust documents
  • Life insurance policies
  • 不动产契约,股票,债券,年金凭证
  • 你的财务账户和AG捕鱼王在线app下载箱信息
  • Information on your retirement plans
  • 你所有债务的信息:信用卡、抵押贷款和贷款.

注:授权书法律因州而异. 包括信托在内的房地产策略可能涉及复杂的税收规则和法规网络. 在实施这些策略前,应考虑与知识渊博的物业管理专业人士合作.

1., 2024

内容的来源被认为是提供准确的信息. 本材料中的信息不作为税务或法律建议. 它不得用于避免任何联邦税收处罚的目的. 有关您个人情况的具体信息,请咨询法律或税务专业人士. 本材料由FMG Suite开发和制作,旨在提供有关您可能感兴趣的主题的信息. FMG Suite is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. 所表达的意见和提供的材料仅供一般参考, 并且不应被视为购买或出售任何证券的招揽. Copyright FMG Suite.


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